• Finpecia 1 mg Tab (Finasteride)

Finpecia 1 mg Tab (Finasteride)

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Finpecia 1 mg Tab (Finasteride) 

Finpecia 1 mg has Finasteride as its main constituent and it is used in the treatment of hair loss. It usually treats early forms of male pattern hair loss and helps in growing the hairs more thick. This tablet is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor which blocks the production of male hormone in the scalp. This male hormone present in the scalp stops hair growth but due to Finpecia it reverses the balding process and prevents further hair loss.

Take this medicine as prescribed by your doctor without missing any dose. Swallow whole tablet instead of crushing or chewing it and maintain the fix time dosages. Never try to go for overdose as it may cause harm to your body(as it is not visible yet but still couldn't recommend).

Some major side effects associated with this drug are decreased libido, decreased semen volume, impotence.

 Substitutes Available 

  1. Finpecia 1mg Tab (by Cipla Ltd.)

 Side Effects 

  1. Decreased semen volume 
  2. Impotence
  3. Decreased Libido


  1. Pregnancy - Consult your doctor 
  2. Breastfeeding - Consult your doctor
  3. Allergy - Contraindicated if allergic to Finasteride or any other ingredient

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